Hello! Thanks for clicking on the bookmark. I hope your child loved learning about Master Owl Mindfulness at school. Just follow the BUY NOW link and remember to enter SCHOOL23 in the cart to get your school discount. All the very best. Rob
I have visited over 110 schools in Devon and Cornwall in person and over 60 primary schools around the UK have watched the Master Owl films on You Tube. Over 26,000 children have learned the basics of mindfulness...
If you would like to receive a signed Master Owl book for your child, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Go to the shop page and choose which Master Owl book you would like to order. The picture book 'Master Owl meets Miss Bunny' is for 3 - 6 year olds. The chapter book 'Mindful Adventures of Master Owl' is for children 7 - 12 years.
Step 2: Click on the book you want and if you want the book dedicated to your child, please enter your details in the comments box as shown here. Then add to cart and view cart.

Step 3: To get your schools discount, enter the following promo code SCHOOL23 to reduce your book to only £5 (that's nearly £2 off!).

Step 4: Below that there is a box for 'Add a note' . Please let me me know here the name of your school and village/town/city as well as your child's year and class name. This helps me keep a track of which schools and classes I have visited or have seen the films.