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Perfect for
Children's Mental
Health week

(5th - 11th Feb)

Perfect for
Children's Mental
Health week

(5th - 11th Feb)

In-person & virtual primary school visits

Master Owl's Mindfulness Tour started in April 2021 at Yealmpton Primary School.


Since then I have visited 110 Primary, Junior and Prep schools in Devon and Cornwall in person, taught mindfulness to 26,000 children and sold over 4,000 books. I love my job!!!

I am now taking bookings for in-person visits for the the autumn term for primary schools in Plymouth, Exeter, Torbay and the South Hams. 

During Children's Mental Health week in February 2024, over 55 schools ran a virtual Master Owl Mindfulness day, meaning 12,000 more children learned about Master Owl and mindfulness. I also spoke with 16 schools over 20 hours of Zoom calls. It was amazing to answer all the children's questions about Master Owl, writing books, mindfulness and mental health.   I will soon be preparing for the 2025 Mental Health week...

Here is some feedback from teachers after running sessions during 2024 Children's Mental Health week...

Thank you so much Rob, it was such an amazing experience, the children got so much out of it.  It really was so kind of you to give up your time to make their day!  I have shared some photos of the children taking part with the parents and sent the bookmarks home today.  Keep doing the work you are doing; it really does make a difference.  I’m very passionate about raising the profile of wellbeing and good mental health and talking about feelings.  Can’t wait to read the next book!  Thank you for inspiring the next generation of authors!

Hi Rob, I would just like to say a massive shoutout to you!! It was amazing seeing the children interact with you and get passionate about your books. A few classes have ordered the book, and I will be going round to read it with them. The fact you made it so fun and engaging really made the difference. Again, massive thank you.


I have produced short films that are now up on my YouTube channel for all primary schools, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. 


This films contain the same material I present in person, but it's even better because there is now some fantastic music for the book reading of 'Master Owl meets Miss Bunny' and teachers can use these films, for free, whenever they want.  The film below is similar to the ones for the schools, but there are some important differences. 

When I know a school wants to watch the Master Owl films, I will email out a Welcome Pack, which includes the YouTube links for the special school videos and post a free Master Owl bookmark for every child watching the films. The bookmarks help to teach mindfulness for children and parents.   When I visit a school in person, every child goes home with a bookmark on the day. 

Hi Rob, both year 3 & 6 teachers have said that the zoom calls were excellent. One teacher said that she especially found it really interactive and the whole package really good for her year group. The bookmarks have also been a great hit with the children. I have been told about them by children from different year groups, and I have had children trying to make their own version of them too. Thank you so very much for everything you have provided and done to make this a really successful part of our Children’s Mental Health Week. We truly appreciate you.

Hi Rob, I have spoken to a few parents who have said that there child went home that day very excited to talk about Master Owl. We have been keeping up with the breathing techniques too!  You definitely come highly recommended from us all at the school. All of the teachers said how great the assembly was and then how wonderful it was for the children to speak to you after it too! It really was a great success.

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Free bookmark for every child at your school

There is also a special discounted price for buying Master Owl books, only available to schools, making each book £5 to buy.

To book in an in-person visit or virtual visit, just contact me here and I will be in touch. 

Master Owl is spreading his wings!!!


Example of the films

Hello,  thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us. The children were so excited and really appreciated the session. I have lost track of how many times I have seen them using the bookmarks since getting them! 


I have already passed your information onto another school as it was so engaging and valuable for the children.  We will also be purchasing some books for school library! Thank you again!

Hi Rob, such a wonderful session and inspirational for all. Your books are wonderful! Master Owl is now also going to feature in the calm corners of each classroom. I have attached a little feedback from some of the children.

‘The bookmarks will really help lots of people, I am going to keep mine with me’. ‘Teaching us how to keep ourselves calm and not get angry and frustrated was helpful’. ‘If you’re feeling down, you can help somebody which will make them feel happy and then you feel happy’. ‘You should share your feelings!’

What parents say...


"Just wanted to message to say thank you. You went to my sons school today, and we purchased one of the chapter books. We’ve read some tonight, and my son is already calmer and displaying some Magical Mindful Moments! He is also thrilled that he met the man who invented the Gro Clock! We still use this each night, and it’s been a part of our family fabric for many years! So he was absolutely buzzing when I collected him this evening. Thank you for such a wonderful book, and also the gro clock. GAME CHANGER!"

Recent feedback from the Tour:

“The whole school has been buzzing since your visit, and there has been a great atmosphere all day. In our staff meeting after school, the teachers were unanimous in their appreciation for your visit, and how inspired they felt to introduce more mindfulness. 


It has been clear to see how much the children have enjoyed their day and how inspired they are. It linked so nicely to my Literacy lesson today after your talk, where the children were writing their stories. I saw subtle links to kindness and mindfulness, but mostly I could see the invisible story cloud above their heads. This powerful analogy will certainly be something that I adopt into my Literacy teaching- my biggest passion!


Very kind regards and much appreciation.”


Fran Lilley

Highweek Primary School

"Thank you so much for visiting us last week. The feedback from teachers and children was really positive. We’ve made a display with some cute bunnies and owls to remind the children to pause and be mindful. It was really nice to hear the children talk about how calm and “less stressed” they felt after your mindfulness session. You have inspired us to include some ‘mindful moments’ into our daily routines - something we’ll all benefit from I’m sure."   

"Thanks Rob, the children enjoyed it and we enjoyed welcoming you in. The teachers say 'The children really enjoyed the visual resources he used. The story was engaging as was his delivery. The guided meditation/stillness moment was really effective and the children responded well to it.' and 'The children really enjoyed it and liked the story. They liked the mindfulness part too. Thank you so much for coming to see us."  

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